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Fish Tank Therapy

While Ryan was going through his radiotherapy treatment he asked about having some fish again. When I say again we used to have a fish tank back in 2010, but when House met Van the fish, unfortunately, did not survive the ordeal.

Ry sold the idea to me as a therapy to help him relax while recovering at home and the tank light would act as a night light for him also.

Corydora catfish

His birthday is in November, so the timing of his suggestion made perfect sense and solved the annual ‘what to get’ dilemma.

Once his radiotherapy finished the week after his 15th birthday we took Ryan shopping to purchase a new tank to set up and cycle before adding any fish as we chose to go for a basic tropical fish set up with the plan to house some tetra and corydoras catfish.

Neon tetra

Ryan’s tank is doing really well. The fish seem happy enough and we now have guppies that breed often, so we must be doing something right. Ryan feeds them every day, and I initially did all the cleaning and maintenance so as not to put him at any risk while he was neutropenic.

SpongeBob theme

Now that Ryan is no longer neutropenic he helps with the tank maintenance and cleaning so that is another positive to come from this ongoing nightmare.


  1. We had a tank before Duncs was born. Neon Tetras and others that the shop recommended as compatible. We made a mistake, though, with a Catfish - which ate the baby fish when they hatched. Lilian may remember more.

    1. That is remembering a few years back. I know my own dad kept fish too and my sister is an avid keeper also. I may get her to write a blog post.

      You possibly had guppies as they are live breeders.

  2. My hubby also has a fish tank. He can spend hours watching them enjoy thier tiny world! It really seem to be his calm space. Glad Ryan could enjoy it too.

    1. What a lovely comment. My sister is an avid fish keeper too. I am hoping she will do me a guest post. Thank you for joining the chat.


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